Multistakeholder Pledge on Supporting Refugee Family Reunification

Multistakeholder Pledge on Supporting Refugee Family Reunification
Syrian refugee, Ahmad, and his wife have found a safe haven in an Austrian village raising their own sons and nephews.
Global Refugee Forum 2023
The Global Compact on Refugees, affirmed by the United Nations General Assembly in 2018, put in place a new comprehensive refugee response model in order to:
- ease pressures on countries hosting refugees;
- enhance opportunities for refugees to become self-reliant;
- expand refugees’ access to third-country solutions such as resettlement and other pathways;
- support conditions in refugees’ countries of origin so that they may be able to return in safety and dignity.
A central arrangement of the Compact is the Global Refugee Forum (GRF) where States and other actors come together every four years to share good practices and contribute to help reach the goals of the Global Compact. The 2023 Global Refugee Forum took place from 13-15 December 2023.
Multistakeholder pledge on supporting family reunification
In the context of the Global Refugee Forum 2023, the FRUN led the Multistakeholder pledge on Supporting Refugee Family Reunification mobilising actors towards ensuring that every refugee can exercise their right to family unity and attain family reunification. Aligned with the goals of The Roadmap, the Multistakeholder Pledge aims to help at least 1 million refugees reunite with their families by 2030, through addressing legal and policy barriers, providing practical supports to overcome administrative and logistical hurdles, and gathering data on the need for and impact of family reunification.
The Pledge is co-convened by the FRUN Advisory Group and UNHCR, and led by the Government of Brazil, Government of Portugal, RefugePoint, DLA Piper, Migration Inc. and the OECD.
With enormous thanks to the leadership and all contributors so far, the Pledge is mobilising actors from diverse backgrounds including States, legal providers, civil society and the private sector, and from around the globe, in support of refugee families.
Call to collective action

Refugee family reuniting in Greece.
Call to collective action
Building on commitments made in the Global Refugee Forum 2023, the FRUN and pledge leadership continue to work together to grow this support and put the pledges into action.
Any actor involved in facilitating refugee family reunification or interested in supporting refugee families get back together can join this effort. This includes, among others:
- Governments in both departing and receiving countries;
- Non-governmental organisations (NGOs), refugee-led organisations (RLOs) and civil society;
- Legal aid organisation and law firms;
- Intergovernmental organisations,
- The private sector, and many more actors.
To express your interest in supporting, please contact [email protected].
Are you a refugee looking to reunite with your family in another country?
- Consult the government website of the relevant country;
- Visit and consult the relevant country page for information on eligibility, procedures and available support;
- Check the FRUN Advisory Group member websites for resources and guidance on family reunification procedures.